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UPDATED 22.03.20

We just want to assure you that at this stage Redhot will remain open with no changes to our standard operating hours. Our priority is to protect the health and wellbeing of our drivers and Customers. As we continue to monitor the latest developments relating to COVID-19, we are constantly adapting our approach to uphold this priority. Effective immediately further to government-imposed restrictions we will be implementing a couple of changes to ensure the safety for both our drivers and customers.

  • To avoid physical contact we will no longer be requesting signatures from customers however we will always ensure our drivers ask for the name of the receiver and write this on all paperwork.
  • Only Redhot drivers are allowed in Redhot vehicles, including the front cab and rear/side cargo area
  • As we currently already do upon completing deliveries all paperwork is digitally scanned and saved to redhot servers, to prevent holding physical paperwork we will now dispose of paperwork immediately after saving a digital copy.

As many companies are implementing their own protocol in response to COVID-19 please ensure you notify Redhot of any specific requirements you may have at your business to ensure we can pass these details on to our drivers.

We will contact all customers directly of any further major changes. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions at all.

Thankyou for your continued support through these difficult times.

Yours Sincerely

Tom Davies
